Sl No Name of Farmer Group Dzongkhag Gewog Village Male Female Total Member Nature of Activity Sector Chairman
1 AgriConnect Aggragtor-Paro (AGN-Paro) Paro Naja Rangshigang 3 0 3 Vegetable, Potato,Potato,Cauliflower,Cabbage,Broccoli,Asparagus,Tomato,Onion,Chilli,Mix,Leafy,Pumkin,Others,potatoes,potatoes,pickle Integrated Chencho Dendup 77223567
2 Dameling Integrated vegetable group Samtse Denchukha Drameling(Dhamiley) 5 1 6 Dairy,Non-wood Forest Product,Vegetable, Medicinal,Milk,Cheese,Butter,pickle Integrated Bhawani Shankar Regmi 77410929
3 Wangphu Om Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Wangphu Wangphu 15 4 19 Dairy, Butter,Cheese,Milk Livestock Nima Dorji 77671590
4 Rukha Reling Sum Thoenkey Dhang Thsongdrel Detsen Wangdue Phodrang Athang Rukha 3 5 8 Fishery, Warm Livestock ChokiLa null 77405162
5 Petari Pangtse Zinchong Detshen Punakha Kabjisa Petari 8 25 33 Essentials Oil, Others Agriculture Kinley Zangmo 17940360
6 Norbugang Youth Group Samtse Norbugang/Chengmari Yangphelthang(Bhimtar) 2 4 6 Fruits,Spices,Vegetable, Broccoli,Cauliflower,Chilli,Citrus,Ginger,Onion,Turermic Agriculture Bidyash Chhetri 77232345
7 Bhutan Blissful Organics Trashiyangtse Tongzhang Kenmong 9 4 13 Vegetable, Potato,Cauliflower,Cabbage,Broccoli,Asparagus,Tomato,Onion,Chilli,Mix,Leafy,Pumkin,Others,potatoes,potatoes,pickle Agriculture Dupthob null 17645060
8 Bangyul Cotton Farmer's Detsen Pemagatshel Dungmin Bangyul 0 7 7 Floriculture, Others Agriculture Tashi Chodon 17784286
9 Sustainable Poultry farming Group Samtse Samtse Samtse 2 1 3 Poultry, Layer Livestock Sudeshna Chetri 77282235
10 Gozhi Gonor Sochung Detshen Dagana Goshi Lower Goshi 3 1 4 Dairy, Butter,Cheese,Milk Livestock Yashoda Gurung 17692551
11 Kuzu Farmers Group Samtse Namgyelcholing/Lahireni Namgaychholing(Hangay) 0 0 0 Cereals, Others Agriculture null
12 Jangchogling Sibjam So-chong Detsen Samtse Samtse Jangchhogling(Uttary) 1 0 1 Apiculture, Honey,Bee,Royal,Propolis,Bee,Others Livestock Dhan Bdr. Ghaley 17646550
13 Tashiding Phab Sochung Detshen Dagana Trashiding Tashiding 2 0 2 Piggery, Others,Pork Livestock Passang Dorji Moktan 17927816
14 Balana Agriculture and Livestock Youth Group Punakha Goenshari Zhengosa 7 0 7 Dairy,Spices,Vegetable, Cardamom,Ginger,Garlic,Cauliflower,Cabbage,Broccoli,Onion,potatoes,pickle,Milk,Cheese,Butter,Yoghurt Integrated Bhim Gurung 17477100
15 Bumthang Dhaezhi Nazhoen Detshen Bumthang Chokhor Gyelkhar 3 9 12 Murshrooms,Vegetable, Leafy,Oyster Agriculture Tashi Wangdi 17337937
16 Yoeseltse Integreted Farmers Group Samtse Yoesheltse/Ghumauney Choekiling/Gairigaon 3 0 3 Fishery,Fruits,Goat Farming,Poultry, Layer,Broiler,Others,Warm Integrated Mahendra Chhetri 17110410
17 Zhibdha Gonor Detshen Paro Dopshari Juka 3 1 4 Dairy, Milk,Cheese,Butter,Ghee,Phelu,Italian,Yoghurt Livestock Phub Gyeltshen 17641170
18 Druk Arachis Trashiyangtse Khamdang Khamdang 5 0 5 Nuts, Pea Agriculture Jamyang Tenzin 17781880
19 Nyamroo Sanam Tshongley Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Nyisho Samtengang 2 1 3 Fruits,Vegetable, Apples,Banana,Broccoli,Cabbage,Cauliflower,Chilli,Leafy green,Onion,Pears,Potato Agriculture Phub Dorji 17695144
20 Ney Norbu Detshen Lhuentse Gangzur Ney 3 9 12 Essentials Oil, Mustard Oil Agriculture Pema Tenzin 17698481
21 Kewa Chikthuen Sonam Tshongdrek Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Phobji Zigzee 6 2 8 Vegetable, Potato Agriculture Sonam Wangmo 17402144
22 Maedtapkha Gonor Nyamdrel Detshen Chukha Chapcha Bunakha 0 2 2 Dairy, Milk Livestock Sonam Lhaki Zam 17098799
23 Bunorkha Gonor Tshongdrel Detshen Chukha Chapcha Gangkha 2 0 2 Dairy, Milk Livestock Namgay Wangdi 17098799
24 Chapcha Gonor Chithuen Yargay Detshen Chukha Chapcha Dorgoen 1 1 2 Dairy, Milk Livestock Sonam Lhaki Zam 17486388
25 Dolongang Youth Group Sarpang Dekiling null 2 1 3 Vegetable, Vegeatbles Agriculture Mon Kr. Rai 0
26 Khamaed Dairy Group Gasa Khamae null 2 1 3 Dairy, Dairy Products Livestock Damcho Wangchuk 0
27 Woongchillo Sanamapai Tshoesey Detshen Pemagatshel Nanong null 2 1 3 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Sangay Dorji 17838738
28 Tshatsi Sanam Thuendrel Detshen Pemagatshel Nanong null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Lhawang Tshering 17655147
29 Tshatsi Sanam Nyamrub Detshen Pemagatshel Nanong null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Chojay Rinchen 17970021
30 Tokarey Sanampai Tshoesey Detshen Pemagatshel Nanong null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture sonam Jamtsho 17456255
31 Nanong Chiwog Meser Sanampai Tshoesey Rango Rangdrong Detshen Pemagatshel Nanong null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Jamtsho 17269700
32 Khotokha Rangzhin Sibjam Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Bjena null 1 2 3 Apiculture, Honey Livestock Rinzin 17366558
33 Terphu Sonampai Tshoesey Detshen Pemagatshel Nanong null 1 2 3 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Sonam Dhendup 17780693
34 Bargonpa Rigzang Tshoesey Detshen Pemagatshel Nanong null 1 2 3 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Kinley 17730510
35 Domkhar Sanam Detshen Lhuentse Tshenkhar null 1 2 3 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Tshering Yangzom 77425017
36 Kholung Kuenphen Detshen Trashigang Khaling null 3 0 3 Cereals,Vegetable, Cereals,Vegetables Agriculture Choki Wangd 17530473
37 Gawaidong Nazhoen Sanam Tshongdrel Detshen Samtse Samtse null 3 0 3 Cereals,Fishery,Vegetable, B-COOP outlet,Crops,Vegetables Livestock Thinley Wangchuk 0
38 Miglamthang Vegetable and Cereal Group Samtse Tendu null 2 1 3 Cereals,Vegetable, Cereals,vegetables Agriculture Chandra Maya Rai 17449211
39 Shadang Sanam Tshongdrel Detshen Mongar Drametse null 0 3 3 Cereals,Vegetable, cereals,vegetables Agriculture Nima Tshomo 17311671
40 Phunshing Sanam Tshongdrel Detshen Mongar Drametse null 0 3 3 Cereals,Vegetable, Cerals,Vegetables Agriculture Chimi Lhaden 17923615
41 Gubji Hydroponic Farming Group Punakha Dzomesa null 1 2 3 Horticulture, Hydroponic farming Agriculture Tshering Dhendup 17523040
42 Gyelwa Rignga Sanam Detshen Samtse Samtse null 2 1 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Tshering Pem 77332000
43 Gagar Thundrel Detshen Trongsa Nubee null 1 2 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Phuntsho Choden 0
44 Nubi Ema Detshen Trongsa Nubee null 2 1 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Dema 0
45 Bumroo Tsheysey Detshen Trongsa Nubee null 0 3 3 Fruits,Vegetable, agriculture products,Fruits Agriculture Tandin 0
46 Amtshu Cherub Detshen Mongar Depong null 0 3 3 Vegetable, agriculture products Agriculture Sonam Lhaden 0
47 Tsenkhar Gongphel Tshesey Detshen Mongar Depong null 1 2 3 Vegetable, agriculture products Agriculture Tshering Dorji 0
48 Nanggar Tshesey Detshen Mongar Tsamang null 0 3 3 Vegetable, agriculture products Agriculture Rinzin Lhamo 17903114
49 Sarpang Youth Group Sarpang Dekiling null 3 0 3 Poultry, Broiler Livestock Ramesh 17984874
50 Rangthaling Organic Ginger Group Tsirang Rangthangling null 3 0 3 Spices, Ginger Agriculture Tek Bdr. Sunwar 17258800
51 Tsirang Smart Group Tsirang Gosarling null 3 0 3 Dairy,Vegetable, livestock product,Agriculture Produce Agriculture Indra Thapa 0
52 Talo Sanam Detshen Punakha Talo null 2 1 3 Fruits,Vegetable, Agriculture Produce,fruit farming Agriculture Sonam Tobgyel 17995588
53 Puenzhi Nazhoen Detshen Mongar Mongar null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Candy Processing Agriculture Dhendup Tshering 0
54 Kharnang Lamtha-Lamwog Nyamrub Detshen Mongar Chaskhar null 1 2 3 Dairy, Dairy products Livestock Kota 17682605
55 Thangrong Gonor Nyamdrel Detshen Mongar Thangrong null 2 1 3 Dairy, Dairy products Livestock Sonam Choden 17826084
56 Wengkhar Om Thuendrel Detshen Mongar Mongar null 1 2 3 Dairy, Dairy products Livestock Tshewang Pelmo 17943514
57 Phosorong Om Thuendrel Detshen Mongar Mongar null 1 2 3 Dairy, Dairy products Livestock Karma Lhatu 17663617
58 Zhonggar Nazhoen Gonor Detshen Mongar Mongar null 0 3 3 Dairy, Dairy products Livestock Tenzin Wangmo 0
59 Andheri Shamu Tshongdrel Detshen Samtse Phuntshopelri/Pugli null 2 0 2 Murshrooms, Mushrom production Agriculture Januki Darlam 17988033
60 Urka Bangala Detshen Trashiyangtse Yangtse null 2 4 6 Spices,Vegetable, Ezay,Urka bangala pickle,garlic crisp,schezwan pepper paste Agriculture Karma Kinzang Wangmo 17701254
61 Tshatsi Dagor Norlhai Detshen Pemagatshel Nanong null 3 0 3 Dairy, Dairy Products Livestock Lhawang Tshering 0
62 Nashoen Sanam Detshenn Trashigang Radhi null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Karma Tenzin 0
63 Tokarey Gonor Gongphel Detshen Pemagatshel Nanong null 3 0 3 Dairy, Dairy Products Livestock Sonam Jamtsho 0
64 Nanong-Raling Gonor Wongbab Pemagatshel Nanong null 0 0 0 Dairy, Dairy Products Livestock null
65 Habesa Ngochang Sanam Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Gase Tshoom null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Lekimo 17811770
66 Serzhong Sanam Dang Gonor Detshen Sarpang Sershong null 3 0 3 Dairy, Dairy,Vegetables Livestock Narayan Dhungyel 0
67 Thuen Phuenshi Orchard Group Samtse Norbugang/Chengmari null 2 0 2 Fruits, Fruits Farming Agriculture Peljor Dorji 17140282
68 Dolongang Tshesey Tshongdrel Detshen Sarpang Dekiling null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Agriculture Agriculture Pushpa Lal Mahat 0
69 Kella Tshoesey Detshen Trongsa Tangsibjee null 1 2 3 Vegetable, Agriculture Agriculture Rinchen Zangmo 0
70 Tshangkha Tshoesey Detshen Trongsa Tangsibjee null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Agriculture Agriculture Pema Seldon 0
71 Tangbi Tshoesey Detshen Trongsa Tangsibjee null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Agriculture Agriculture Tshering Peldon 0
72 Chendibji Tshoesey Detshen Trongsa Tangsibjee null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Agriculture Agriculture Namgay Wangmo 0
73 Gaki Sanam Detshen Trashigang Bartsham null 2 1 3 Vegetable, Agriculture Agriculture Jamyang Phuntsho 17824966
74 Nobgang Tsherim Group Punakha Talo null 1 2 3 Vegetable, Agriculture Agriculture Pem 17717169
75 Jigmecholing Dairy Group Sarpang Jigmechoeling null 3 0 3 Dairy, Dairy Products Livestock Bhim lal Gurung 17953003
76 Kaba Sanam Rangzhin Detshen Trongsa Nubee null 1 2 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Sonam Dema 77306484
77 Phuensum Sanam dang Gonor Chigdrel Detshen Zhemgang Nangkor null 2 0 2 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Dorji Gyeltshen 17946951
78 Tshothang Jersey Group Samdrupjongkhar Lauri null 3 0 3 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Pema Dhendup 0
79 Lauri Jersey Group Samdrupjongkhar Lauri null 1 2 3 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Dorji Drakpa 0
80 Jangsawom LUC Group Samdrupjongkhar Langchenphu null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Norbu Tshering 0
81 Arothang Sanam Yarphel Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Langchenphu null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Sum Chojay 0
82 Thangyul LanorThuendrel Detshen Trongsa Nubee null 3 0 3 Dairy, Yak farming Livestock Gyeltshen 77283325
83 Dorgoan Sanam Tshongdrel Detshen Chukha Chapcha null 0 0 0 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture null
84 Shomo-Ngoba Amtsu Yargay Detshen Paro Lamgong null 0 3 3 Cereals, cereals Agriculture Tshering Dema 17682191
85 Janpani Vegetable Group Samdrupjongkhar Langchenphu null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Dawa Zangpo 0
86 Lauri Vegetable Group Samdrupjongkhar Lauri null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Lhazom 0
87 Momring Vegetable Group Samdrupjongkhar Lauri null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Karma Wangmo 0
88 Sedzor Vegetable Group Samdrupjongkhar Lauri null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Lungten Dema 0
89 Dangdung Sonam Yarphel Detshen Trongsa Langthil null 2 1 3 Cereals,Vegetable, Maize,Vegetbles,chillies,rice Agriculture Sonam Dorji 0
90 Tashi Tsherim Gonor Tshongdel Detshen Haa Eusu null 1 2 3 Vegetable, Milk Livestock Gyeltshen 17837665
91 Betsho Norlha Detshen Haa Sangbay null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Milk Livestock Sangay Dorji 16903918
92 Jo Langri Gonor Detshen Haa Sangbay null 1 2 3 Vegetable, Milk Livestock Sangay Tashi 17329158
93 Sangbayama Gonor Gongphel Detshen Haa Sangbay null 2 1 3 Vegetable, Milk Livestock Tashi 17644094
94 Lobneykha Sanam Detshen Chukha Chapcha null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Potato Agriculture Zeko Drukpa 17164271
95 Kaba Ranzing dang Sanam Detshen Trongsa Tangsibjee null 0 3 3 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, NWFP Forestry Sonam Dema 77306484
96 Buchung Kelwa Zangpo Amushui Detshen Trashigang Merak null 0 3 3 Dairy, wool products Livestock Dawa Choden 0
97 Mang Gonor Yargay Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Gangtey null 1 2 3 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Kumbu Dorji 17386911
98 Pelkithang Ringzing Sanam Detshen Samtse Yoesheltse/Ghumauney null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Organic Vegetables Agriculture Tara Bir Ghalley 77403945
99 Phuntshothang Om Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Phuntshothang/Bakuli null 3 0 3 Dairy, Dairy Products Livestock Gomphay Rinchen 0
100 Chana Goenpa Sanampai Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Phangyul null 2 1 3 Murshrooms,Vegetable, Mushroom,Vegetables Agriculture Kinzang Choden 17670220
101 Chhuzanggang Amtshu Detashen Sarpang Chuzagang null 0 3 3 Murshrooms, Mushroom Agriculture Dorji Yankio 0
102 Terda Phuensum Gonor Detshen Pemagatshel Nanong null 3 0 3 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Sonam Dorji 0
103 Merak Amtshu Sanam Dang Gonor Detshen Trashigang Merak null 0 3 3 Dairy,Vegetable, Dairy,Vegetables Livestock Dawa Choden 0
104 Chapcha Sanam Tshongdrel Detshen Chukha Chapcha null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Dawa 77234979
105 Chakthagang Sanam Detshen Samtse Samtse null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Som Raj Rai 17357158
106 Legpagang Sanam Detshen Samtse Dophuchen/Dorokha null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Jash Raj Rai 17449439
107 Lumbay Sanam Detshen Samtse Dophuchen/Dorokha null 2 1 3 Fruits,Vegetable, Quonia,Vegetables Agriculture Ari Dhoj Rai 773096656
108 Vara Zhipa Detshen Mongar Lamgong null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Bivek Rai 17682946
109 Nazhoen Sanam Sazhi Chechong Detshen Pemagatshel Norbugang null 1 2 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Rinzin Delkar 77474519
110 Woku-Damchi Kuenphen Sanam Detshen Punakha Toeb null 2 1 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Kinley Dem 77212308
111 Dorokha Sipzam Detshen Samtse Dophuchen/Dorokha null 3 0 3 Apiculture, Beekeeping Livestock Rom Nath Acherja 177077553
112 Lhop Gonor Detshen Samtse Dophuchen/Dorokha null 2 1 3 Dairy, Dairy products Livestock Tashi Lhop 17878641
113 JPS Agro-processing Group Samtse Yoesheltse/Ghumauney null 2 1 3 Dairy, Processed and packed RNR products and produces Agriculture Lal Bdr Ghalley 77355241
114 Rongkup Nazhoen Gonor Detshen Samtse Samtse null 2 1 3 Dairy, livestock farming Livestock Man Maya Gurung 77703873
115 Bjabcho Amtshu Detshen Chukha Bjachho null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Processing and Value additions andMarketinge Agriculture Chimi Pem 17625332
116 Chongaykha Sanam Zaejor Detshen Chukha Phuntsholing null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Processing and Value additions andMarketinge Agriculture Dhan Bdr. Chhetri 17347137
117 Bongo Sanampa Tshongdrel Detshen Chukha Bongo null 0 1 1 Dairy, Agriculture Produce Agriculture Sangay Lham 17935182
118 Wangkha Na-joen Sanam Tshochung Detshen Chukha Bjachho null 1 2 3 Horticulture, Horiculture Agriculture Dorji Gyeltshen 77789355
119 Samphelling Sanampa Tshongdrel Detshen Chukha Sampheling/Bhalujora null 3 0 3 Dairy, Local Product Livestock Karma Tamang 77317021
120 Darla Sanam Tshongdrel Detshen Chukha Darla null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Local Vegetables Agriculture Thug Bdr. Mongar 0
121 Lumbhukha Sanam Tshongdrel Detshen Chukha Phuntsholing null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Local Vegetables Agriculture Santa Bir Rai 0
122 Tashithang Bio-dynamic Group Sarpang Umling Dangling 3 0 3 Dairy, Organic Integrated Agriculture Production Livestock Jigme Tenzin 17899382
123 Gangchhu Yueljong Fish Farm Sarpang Chuzagang null 3 0 3 Fishery, Fishery Livestock Dorji Drukpa 0
124 Bukey B Gonor Yargay Detshen Samtse Samtse null 3 0 3 Fishery, Fishery Livestock Deo Kumar Gurung 0
125 Kaduri Sanam Detshen Samtse Denchukha null 2 0 2 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Chandra Man Rai 0
126 Gersarling Sanam Detshen Samtse Denchukha null 2 0 2 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Ash Kumar Chhetri 0
127 Pungthra Nazhoen Detshen Samtse Denchukha null 2 0 2 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Thinley Wangchu 0
128 Sonamthang Nazhoen Detshen Chukha Sampheling/Bhalujora null 1 2 3 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Pema Yangzom 17510855
129 Yatong Gonor Gongphel Detshen Mongar Chaskhar null 2 1 3 Dairy, Dairy Product Livestock Tshechi 0
130 Dungkarcholing Gongpa Gonor Gongphel Detshen Mongar Chaskhar null 1 2 3 Dairy, Dairy Product Livestock Karma 0
131 Puensum Tsesey Detshen Trashigang Khaling null 1 2 3 Dairy, Vegetables Agriculture Dorji Penjor 17551399
132 Pungthra Vegetable Group Samtse Denchukha null 1 0 1 Dairy, Vegetables Agriculture Arjun Limbu 0
133 Thamdrang LUC- youth in farming Mongar Silambi null 3 0 3 Dairy, Vegetables Agriculture Sonam Tshering 17525941
134 Phuntsho Yangkhil Detshen Sarpang Dekiling null 3 0 3 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Stonechips production Forestry Sonam Zangpo 0
135 Soenam Tshoetse Detshen Punakha Toeb null 2 1 3 Dairy,Vegetable, Milk Products,VEgetables Agriculture Kinley Penjor 0
136 Chigdom Detshen Sarpang Sershong null 2 0 2 Dairy, Milk Products Livestock Sangay Jatsho 0
137 Tashithang Aqua Culture Group Sarpang Umling null 2 1 3 Dairy, Milk Products Livestock Tshering Dema 0
138 Tokey-Gyentsa Om Tshongdrel Detshen Haa Bji null 2 1 3 Dairy, Milk Products Livestock Choden 0
139 Yangthang Om Gongphel Detshen Haa Bji null 0 3 3 Dairy, Milk Products Livestock Deki 0
140 Hatey Om Tshongdrel Detshen Haa Bji null 2 1 3 Dairy, Milk Products Livestock Rinchen Dawa 0
141 Drak Tshen Norlha Detshen Haa Katsho null 3 0 3 Dairy, dairy Products Livestock Ugyen Tenzin 0
142 Dading Norlha Detshen Haa Katsho null 3 0 3 Dairy, dairy Products Livestock Ex Gup Chungdu 0
143 Chundu Yarab Detshen Haa Katsho null 3 0 3 Dairy, dairy Products Livestock Rekey 0
144 Shari Chithuen Detshen Haa Samar null 3 0 3 Dairy, dairy Products Livestock Sangay 0
145 Talung Om Tshongdrel Detshen Haa Bji null 3 0 3 Dairy, dairy Products Livestock Jam Tshering 0
146 Jena Pudu Zombalha Detshen Haa Samar null 2 1 3 Dairy, dairy product Livestock Thinley Namgay 0
147 Chudzom Nazhoen Detshen Sarpang Chuzagang null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Kharka Bdr Rai 0
148 Chuzergang Om Tshongdrel Detshen Sarpang Chuzagang null 3 0 3 Dairy, dairy product Livestock Sangaye 0
149 Nyamrub Nya Sochung Detshen Sarpang Dekiling null 3 0 3 Fishery, Production of fish Livestock Shayum Kumar Monger 0
150 Kabesa Yubja Gongphel Detshen Punakha Kabjisa null 2 1 3 Dairy, Dairy Product Livestock Dechen Zangmo 0
151 Zabesa Gonor Gongphel Detshen Punakha Kabjisa null 3 0 3 Dairy, Dairy Product Livestock Tshagay 0
152 Tashidingkha Sanam Detshen Trongsa Drakten null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Dechen Tshomo 0
153 Kuengarabten Sanam Detshen Trongsa Drakten null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Kunzangmo 0
154 Yussa Sanam Detshen Trongsa Drakten null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Sonam Penjor 0
155 Bjee Trong Tsheysay Detshen Trongsa Nubee null 1 2 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Lethrola 0
156 Semjee Tsheysay Detshen Trongsa Nubee null 1 2 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Kinzang Pelden 0
157 Pengerna Tsheysay Detshen Trongsa Nubee null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Dechen Wangmo 0
158 Dorjigonpa Tshesay Detshen Trongsa Nubee null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Pema Rinzin 0
159 Khotakha Gonor Yargay Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Rubesa null 2 1 3 Dairy, Livestock Livestock Daphu 17354700
160 Wooling Rangzhin Sanam Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Orong null 3 0 3 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Zampa 17663578
161 Denphu Sanam Lajung Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Serthi null 1 2 3 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Singay Jatsho 17819003
162 Deptsang Tshesay Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Serthi null 3 0 3 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Tashi phuntsho 17558184
163 Rekhey Rangzhin Sanam Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Deothang null 3 0 3 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Rinzin Dorji 17940211
164 Community Integrated Aqua-Horticulture Group Samtse Denchukha null 2 1 3 Fishery,Fruits,Vegetable, Fish,Fruits,Vegetables,vegetables Livestock Wangchuk Lepcha 17664646
165 Zeychog Natshog Detshen Zhemgang Bardo null 1 2 3 Dairy,Vegetable, Dairy Product,Vegetables Agriculture Dorji Rinchen 0
166 Serda Nublang Ngamtshung Detshen Haa Sangbay null 1 2 3 Dairy, Milk Livestock Lhab Dorji 77496742
167 Kitshen Amtsu Nyamdrup Tshongdrel Detshen Haa Katsho null 0 3 3 Dairy, Dairy Product Livestock Chhimi Dem 77222600
168 Namsel Gonor Tsongdrel Detshen Haa Gakiling null 2 1 3 Dairy, Milk Livestock Tempa Rinchen/ 17244869
169 Lhakhangchen Norlha Detshen Haa Samar null 2 1 3 Dairy, dairy Product Livestock Tshewang Namgyal 17424734
170 Wangsel Market Garden Paro Tsento null 1 4 5 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Tshering Choden 77679189
171 P.K Nazhoen Detshen Sarpang Shompangkha null 3 0 3 null, null Agriculture Kamana Gurung 0
172 Pabji Tshoesey Detshen Dagana Lhamoyzingkhag/Kalikhola null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Suk Bdr. Gurung 0
173 Dragon Sanam Detshen Thimphu Chang null 1 2 3 Fruits,Vegetable, potatoes,quinoa Agriculture Minjur Wangmo 17688192
174 Nutri Food Products Youth Group Mongar Mongar null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Food Processing null Chencho Thinley 0
175 Dengsang Nazing Sanam Detshen Chukha Bongo null 3 0 3 Fishery, trout Livestock Bal Kumar Mongar 17436571
176 Kikhar Womens Vegetable Group Zhemgang Nangkor null 0 3 3 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Kezang Dema 0
177 Getemkha Sanam Yargay Detshen Sarpang Dekiling null 1 2 3 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Abi Maya Rai 17635482
178 Dungkarphu Tshoesey Thoenkey Detshen Sarpang Dekiling null 3 0 3 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Tshering Sherpa 17722953
179 Rateypani Tshoesey Gongphel Detshen Sarpang Dekiling null 3 0 3 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Nim Dorji Sherpa 17879376
180 Kirney-Kopchey Gonor Detshen Samtse Norgaygang/Bara null 3 0 3 Vegetable, vegetables Livestock Dhan Bdr. Gurung 77319131
181 Nazhoen Organic Growers Group Punakha Toeb null 1 2 3 null, null Agriculture Chimi 17665204
182 Guma Phuensum Milk Group Punakha Guma null 1 0 1 null, null Livestock Chencho Dorji 17632128
183 Dzomi Dairy Farmers Group Punakha Dzomesa null 1 0 1 null, null Livestock Kinley Penjor 0
184 Khawa-Jara Gonor Sochong and Lhotoed Mangngule Detshen Punakha Teowang null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Wangda 0
185 Tashigatshel Sanam Yargay Detshen Chukha Bjachho null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Rupa Gurung 0
186 Wogay Nyamlay Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Daga null 2 1 3 Spices, ginger Agriculture Phurba 17370579
187 Basha Paniko Phendey Detshen Gasa Khamae null 3 0 3 Vegetable, vegetable Agriculture ugyen Tshering 17787240
188 Khailo Sanam Detshen Gasa Khamae null 2 1 3 Vegetable, vegetable Agriculture sangay tshering 17566058
189 Hungrel Sanam Chirop Detshen Paro Hungrel null 0 3 3 Vegetable, vegetable Agriculture Kinley Yangdon 17671251
190 Tashi Phendey Detshen Sarpang Chuzagang null 2 1 3 Essentials Oil, Areca Nut Chips Processing Agriculture Pema Tshechu 17553339
191 Sanam Thuendrel Zhetshog Detshen Mongar Tshakaling null 1 2 3 Vegetable, vegetable Agriculture Sonam Dolma 17617811
192 Jabesa Sanam Chithuen Detshen Gasa Khamae null 2 1 3 Vegetable, vegetable Agriculture Damchoe Wangchuk 17696828
193 Balsathang Gonor Yargay Detshen Samtse Pemaling/Biru null 3 0 3 Fishery, Fishery Livestock Hema Devi Gurung 0
194 Lamgong Tsesei Yargay Tshogpa Paro Lamgong null 1 0 1 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Gem Dorji 17661121
195 Karshong Tsheysey Detshen Trongsa Nubee null 3 0 3 Vegetable, organic vegetables Agriculture Thinley Jamtsho 0
196 Drenshing Yargay Detshen Trongsa Nubee null 1 2 3 Vegetable, organic vegetables Agriculture Karma Choden 0
197 Youth Agriculture and Dairy Farming Group Chukha Bongo null 3 0 3 Dairy,Vegetable, Dairy Product ,Vegetable Agriculture Singye Wangchuk 0
198 Dungna Agriculture Marketing Group Chukha Dungna null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Juma Rai 77479546
199 Druk Dhingsa Agriculture Group Chukha Dungna null 2 1 3 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Aita Raj Rai/ 17512188
200 Dungna Agriculture Promotion and Indigenous Livesock Rearing Group Chukha Dungna null 2 1 3 Dairy,Vegetable, Indigenous Livestock ,Vegetable Agriculture Tshering Choden 77624303
201 Ngalachong Womens Agriculture group Chukha Dungna null 1 2 3 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Phub zam 77460648
202 Pangu (B) Agriculture Group Chukha Dungna null 2 1 3 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Lobzang 77447805
203 Pangu (A) Agriculture Group Chukha Dungna null 1 2 3 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Yeshi Dorji 77323027
204 Lhado Rural Youth Group (LRYG) Chukha Dungna null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Jamtsho 17589201
205 Dzongsar Vegetable Production Group Samtse Tendu null 2 1 3 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Nir Kumar Gurung 0
206 Kuchin Vegetable Production Group Samtse Tendu null 2 1 3 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Phalguraj Rai 0
207 Targothang Vegetable Production Group Samtse Tendu null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Takanath Sharma 0
208 Dawathang Quinoa Production and Marketing Group Samtse Tendu null 3 0 3 Fruits, Quinoa Agriculture Taraman Gurung 0
209 Thumbariphensi Gonor Detshen Mongar Ngatshang null 0 1 1 Dairy, Dairy Product Livestock Thinley Zangmo 17581216
210 Changshing Nyamrub Detshen Mongar Thangrong null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Thinley Phuntsho 0
211 Rothpa-Bapchi Sanam Chitheun Detshen Mongar Sherimung null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Sonam Dema 17821144
212 Sonakhar Tshesey Natsho Detshen Mongar Sherimung null 1 1 2 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Karchung 17685599
213 Baeyulkuenzang Agro-ecological Group Chukha Bongo null 2 1 3 Fruits,Vegetable, Fruits,Vegetables Agriculture Tsheltrim Dorji 17447625
214 Gidaphu Agro-ecological Group Chukha Bongo null 3 0 3 Cereals,Vegetable, Cerals,Vegetables Agriculture Pem Thinley/ 17680155
215 Zamsa Agriculture Group Chukha Bongo null 3 0 3 Murshrooms,Vegetable, Mushroom,Vegetables Agriculture Choki Dorji 17835053
216 Dargoan Chithuen Tshesey Detshen Chukha Chapcha null 3 0 3 Vegetable, agriculture produces Agriculture Pema 17639797
217 Dophulakha Agriculture Marketing Group Chukha Phuntsholing null 3 0 3 Vegetable, agriculture produces Agriculture Bhim Bdr Rai 0
218 Crystal Moon Product(Women and Youth Group) Sarpang Gelephu null 0 3 3 Vegetable, pickles Agriculture Chimi Dema 17663156
219 Gozhi Gonor Thuenkey Detshen Dagana Goshi null 3 0 3 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Changlo 17395915
220 Chhukha Horticulture Promotion Goup Chukha Bjachho null 3 0 3 Fruits,Horticulture, Horticulture,Kiwi Agriculture Phuntsho Wangdi 17683644
221 Rameitey Dairy Group Samtse Denchukha null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Dairy Product Livestock Bhimlal Neopany 77336060
222 Womens Pickling Group Trongsa Nubee null 0 1 1 Vegetable, processed pickle Agriculture Phub Lham 0
223 Yabung Sanam Detshen Mongar Chaskhar null 1 2 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Kota 17682605
224 Zorgonpa Sanam Detshen Mongar Chaskhar null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Sangay Zangmo 77800135
225 Mebrang Youth Farming Group Trashigang Kanglung null 3 0 3 Fruits,Vegetable, Chillies,Pineapple Agriculture Kinga Wangchuk 17690462
226 Denchi Tshesey Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Gomdar null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Ngawang Norbu 17881144
227 Bazor Tshesey Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Gomdar null 2 1 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Yonten Jamtsho 77309830
228 Sangshingzor Tshesey Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Phuntshothang/Bakuli null 2 1 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Chonga Lhamo 77655897
229 Samdrup Jongkhar Khazey Tshogpa Samdrupjongkhar Samdrupjongkhar Throm null 0 0 3 Vegetable, Food Processing Agriculture Sonam Dema 17582342
230 Dawa Lham Mushroom group Chukha Chapcha null 1 0 3 Murshrooms, Oyester Agriculture Kadu Drukpa 77858277
231 Labarma Poultry and Piggery promotion Group Chukha Bongo null 1 0 1 Piggery,Poultry, Piggery,Poultry Livestock Jamtsho 0
232 Boeri Women Group Chukha Bongo null 0 1 1 Poultry,Vegetable, Poutry,Vegetables Agriculture Karma Wangmo 0
233 Puensum Farming Group Chukha Chapcha null 1 2 3 Vegetable, Potato Agriculture Nadho 77837119
234 Semjong Turmeric Production Group Tsirang Semzong null 2 0 2 Spices, Organic turmeric Agriculture Padam Monger 17761838
235 Jichu Mix Farming Group Punakha Toeb null 2 1 3 Dairy,Vegetable, Livestock,Vegetables Agriculture Kinzang Wangchuk 17914146
236 Lemi Sanam Detshen Mongar Drametse null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Tshering Lhaden 0
237 Waichur Sanam Chithun Phunsum Detshen Mongar Drametse null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Sangay Tenpa 0
238 Singay Sanam Detshen Mongar Balam null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Karma Zangmo 0
239 Yangbari Sanam Detshen Mongar Balam null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Rinzin Tshomo 0
240 Khebishing Sanam Chethen Detshen Mongar Balam null 1 2 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Sonam Choden 0
241 Luchilu Sanam Detshen Mongar Balam null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Choney 0
242 Bargoen Sanam Detshen Trashigang Bartsham null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Jamyang Choden 0
243 Majawong Sanam Detshen Trashigang Bartsham null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Jamyang Choden 0
244 Pangthang Sanam Gongphel Detshen Trashigang Uzarung null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Baypa 0
245 Bepam Tshesay Tshongdrel Detshen Trashigang Uzarung null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Dorji Wangdi 0
246 Forest Plantation and Agro-forestry/Flower Nursery Trashigang Uzarung null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Tenzin Dorji 0
247 Menchari Agriculture Group Samdrupjongkhar Orong null 3 0 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Tashi Tenzin 0
248 Pangthangra Sanam Detshen Mongar Drametse null 0 2 2 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Kelzang Choden 0
249 Bakaphai Sanam Detshen Mongar Balam null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Choden 0
250 Balam Sanam Detshen Mongar Balam null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Sonam Yanki 0
251 Barjor Sanam Detshen Trashigang Samkhar null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Tshewang Zangmo 0
252 Gashari Amtshu Detshen Mongar Drametse null 0 3 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture chimi Dema 0
253 Jangona Farmer Group Paro Dopshari null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Sonam Lhamo 77604487
254 Yoesel Youth Group Thimphu Chang null 2 1 3 Fruits,Vegetable, Fruits,Vegetable Agriculture Hom Raj Gurung 17488308
255 Sonam Thoenkay Lamten Detshen Sarpang null null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Sapana S. Rai 77239190
256 Agrow Dairy Estate Chukha null null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Sangay Wangdi 17883701
257 Himalayan Group Chukha null null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Tshering Dorji 17464401
258 Gedu Tokoka FG Chukha null null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Sangay Wangmo 17935182
259 Wangbama Farm Group Thimphu Geney null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Tshering Dorji 17354770
260 Soi Yaksa and Nubri Lanor Gongphel Detshen Paro Tsento null 1 0 1 Dairy, Yak farming Livestock Tobgay 0
261 Dephelling Nga Vegetable Detshen Samtse Sangacholing/Chargharey null 1 0 1 Fruits,Vegetable, Vegetable,fruits tree farming Livestock Krishna Bdr. Mukhia/ 17615208
262 Gonor Thoenkey Zojur dang Khaychog Khakong Tshongdrel Aumsui Detshen Samtse Norgaygang/Bara null 1 0 1 Poultry, Broiler farming Livestock Deepa Dolma Tamang 77476608
263 The Bhutanese Thunder dragon Horticulturist Thimphu Mewang null 0 1 1 Fruits,Vegetable, Quinoa,asparagus Agriculture Eupel Dakini Dorji 17740752
264 Drongkashing Sanam Detshen Trashiyangtse Tongzhang null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Wangdi 17626256
265 Pang Sanam Detshen Trashiyangtse Tongzhang null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Chamla 17367611
266 Sanam Chirub Detshen Mongar Mongar null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Sonam Tshomo 17812316
267 Yongkala Sonam Detshen Mongar Saling null 1 0 1 Fruits,Vegetable, Fruits,vegetables Agriculture Changala 17750249
268 Youth Vegetable and Production Group Thimphu Thim Throm null 1 0 1 Vegetable, online shopping of vegetables Agriculture Sangay Needup 17832431
269 Drukjegang Amtush Semchung Detshe3 Dagana Drujeygang null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Beams Agriculture Kezang 17318280
270 Norbugang Zambalha Om Detshen Pemagatshel Norbugang null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Sonam Phuentsho 17914076
271 Maenbi Gonor Thoenkey Detshen Lhuentse Menbi null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Sangay Khando 17130491
272 Lhamo Norlha Phendhey Detshen Lhuentse Menji null 0 1 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Karma Deki 17321809
273 Nangmalang Medey Om Zojor Detshen Pemagatshel Zobel null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Tshewang Phuntsho 17691112
274 Wangling Peljung Norlha Detshen Mongar Mongar null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Sangya 17755498
275 Tashiding Sanam Gongphel Detshen Dagana Trashiding null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Lin Bdr. Rai 17743261
276 Sonam Thoenkey Detshen Dagana Goshi null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Kinzang Lhadon 17415371
277 Thuenpaphenzhe Vegetable Group Dagana Drujeygang null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Tshering Tashi 17618474
278 Dagapela Jha Sokchong Detshen Dagana Tsendagang (Suntalay) null 1 0 1 Poultry, Layers Livestock Purna Bdr. Gurung 17950698
279 Zinchella Madatsi Thoenkey Detshen Dagana Tshangkha null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Products Livestock Bhim Raj Thapa 17728123
280 Tsenlekha Om Detshen Dagana Tseza null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Products Livestock Daw Penjor 17726191
281 Gorzhing Sanam Detshen Trashiyangtse Tongzhang null 0 1 1 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Nachenmo 17586078
282 Tsamjina Gonor Thoenkey Detshen Dagana Lhamoyzingkhag/Kalikhola null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Sonam Wangchuk 17995890
283 Thomgang Gonor Thoenkey Detshen Dagana Khebisa null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Damchoe 17805182
284 Marthang Om Tshongdrel Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Deothang null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Tshegay 17339265
285 Yueserna Tshesey Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Pemathang/Dalim null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Sonam Tenzini 17797486
286 Relang Tshesay Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Pemathang/Dalim null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Tshering Tashi 17795139
287 Samdrup Phuensum Lug Sokchong Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Phobji null 1 0 1 Dairy, wool Livestock Passang Tobgay 0
288 Dovan Vegetable Production Farmers Group Sarpang Chuzagang null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Lachu Man Rai 17689924
289 Dragchu Vegetable Production Group Sarpang Chuzagang null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Takhey Rai 17965047
290 Himalayan Organic Vegetable Group Sarpang Chuzagang null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Kishor Kumar Khadal 17565212
291 Pangkhay Vegetable Production Group Sarpang Chuzagang null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Locknath Achaja 17505889
292 Ghungring Vegetable Group Sarpang Chuzagang null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Ghana Shyam Rai 77741445
293 Middle Lhayul Vegetable Production Group Sarpang Chuzagang null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Indra Mani Dahal 17879198
294 Mowgang Organic Vegetable Group Sarpang Chuzagang null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Bishnu Lal Bastola 17621178
295 Vegetable Production Group Mowgoan A Sarpang Chuzagang null 0 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Reeta Gurung 17816091
296 Vegetable Production Group Sarpang Chuzagang null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Bhim Prasad Ghimiray 16927426
297 Kela Meday Yargay Detshen Trongsa Tangsibjee null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Medicinal plant cutivation Forestry Tashi Wangchuk 77116050
298 Yangchenphu Tsahuem Tshongjur Detshen Sarpang Dekiling null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Green fodder Livestock Kenchap Loday 17740805
299 Pangzur Gonor Thuendrel Yargay Detshen Trongsa Langthil null 0 1 1 Dairy, Dairy Products Livestock Khando 17861712
300 Gangphel Gonor Thuendrel Yargay Detshen Trongsa Langthil null 0 1 1 Dairy, Dairy Products Livestock Sonam dema 17458717
301 Jangbi Metser Thuendrel Detshen Trongsa Langthil null 0 1 1 Dairy, Dairy Products Livestock Singye Wangmo 17444362
302 Shamu Zhimpo Production Group Paro Dopshari null 1 0 1 Murshrooms, Mushrom production Agriculture Deepak Bhandari 17390980
303 Bama Sonam Chithuen Detshen Thimphu Geney null 1 0 1 Vegetable, vegetable farming Agriculture Rinchen Khando 17667702
304 Gup Wangda Sonam Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Dangchu null 0 0 1 Vegetable, vegetable farming Agriculture 0
305 Tshering Phuntsho Sonam Detshen Chukha Bjachho null 1 0 1 Vegetable, vegetable farming Agriculture Tshering Phuntsho 77660031
306 Green Hands Group Chukha Bjachho null 1 0 1 Vegetable, vegetable farming Agriculture Kinzang Duba 17559915
307 Bongo Agriculture Group Chukha Bongo null 0 1 1 Vegetable, vegetable farming Agriculture Kinley Dema 17664019
308 Drakten Bja Sochong Thuendrel Detshen Trongsa Drakten null 1 0 1 Poultry, Poultry layer farming Livestock Gaylay Chophel 17839011
309 Tangbi Falang Dang Batham Gonphel Chithuen Detshen Trongsa Tangsibjee null 1 0 1 Dairy, Heifer breeding Livestock Yeshi Nidup 17715064
310 Karzhong Medhey Gonor Thuendrel Detshen Trongsa Nubee null 1 0 1 Dairy, Livestock farming Livestock Kelzang Jurmey 17626693
311 Druk Nahoen farmers Sarpang Singhi null 1 0 1 Fishery,Piggery, Fishery farming,Piggery farming Livestock Biren Subba 17849382
312 Forest Plantation and Agro-forestry/Flower Nursery Chukha Sampheling/Bhalujora null 1 0 1 Vegetable, raise nursery for agro-forestry and flowers Agriculture Tshencho Wangdi 17984662
313 Dalingthang Gonor Thoenkey Detshen Dagana Kana null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Production Livestock Mongal Singh 17843220
314 Lamdrak Sonam Semthuen Detshen Trashiyangtse Bumdeyling null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Production Agriculture Gadhuenla 77251261
315 Lhabum Tashi Yangphel Gonor Detshen Trashigang Phongme null 0 1 1 Dairy, Dairy Production Livestock Dorji Lhamo 77251261
316 Madrina Honey Production Group Samtse Samtse null 1 0 1 Apiculture, Honey Production Livestock Jit Bdr. Rai 17615208
317 Laygyab Gonor Thoenkey Detshen Dagana Lajab null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Production Livestock Bhim Raj Gurung 17843220
318 Nyamrub Tshongdrel Detshen Mongar Depong null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Production Agriculture Pema Choden 17843220
319 Kurichilo Gonor Chirphen Detshen Trashigang Lumang null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Production Livestock Kuenzang Gyeltshen 77251261
320 Khalong Sonam Gongphel Detshen Mongar Narang null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Production Agriculture Ngidup Lhamo 77251261
321 Jitti Dairy Detshen Samtse Sangacholing/Chargharey null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Production Livestock Purna Bdr. Chetri 17697463
322 Jabgang Tshesay Nymrub Detshen Mongar Sherimung null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Production Agriculture Yeshi Dorji 77251261
323 Goenpa Tshesay Detshen Trashiyangtse Ramjar null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Production Agriculture Jigme Namgyel 77251261
324 Mahung Tshesay Natshok Detshen Mongar Sherimung null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Production Agriculture Sangay Pelmo 77251261
325 Gochang Tshesay Gongphel Detshen Trashiyangtse Ramjar null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Production Agriculture Jigme Dorji 77251261
326 Dagapela Sebjam Detshen Dagana Tsendagang (Suntalay) null 1 0 1 Apiculture, Honey Production Livestock Sangay Sherpa 77251261
327 Pemachen Om Tshongdrel Detshen Trashigang Shongphu null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Production Livestock Gyeltshen 77251261
328 Tsenda-gang chuthuen Om Thuenkey Detshen Dagana Tsendagang (Suntalay) null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Production Livestock Wochu Leki 17843220
329 Tashiding Sebjam Detshen Dagana Trashiding null 1 0 1 Apiculture, Honey Production Livestock D.B Waiba 17843220
330 Takchima Chima Detshen Trashiyangtse Jamkhar null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Products Agriculture Khampa 77251261
331 Rigsum Sonam Detshen Trashiyangtse Bumdeyling null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Products Agriculture Tshewang Rinzin 77251261
332 Phuensum Sustainable Dairy Group Samtse Tading null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Products Livestock Phurpa 17615208
333 Zunglin Sonam Tshongdrel Detshen Mongar Depong null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetable farming Agriculture Lungten Wangdi 77251261
334 Tshangrong Kewadangtshesay Detshen Trashiyangtse Ramjar null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetable farming Agriculture Sonam Yoezer 77251261
335 Dakphel Turmeric and Ginger Womens Group Zhemgang Nangkor null 0 1 1 Spices, Ginger farming Agriculture Pemo 17733251
336 Takapai Turmeric and Ginger Womens Group Zhemgang Trong null 0 0 1 Spices, Ginger farming Agriculture 17753875
337 Wang poultry tshogpa Thimphu Mewang null 1 0 1 Poultry, Poltry Livestock Nidup 17625612
338 Gjimina dairy group Thimphu Mewang null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy farming Livestock Karma Tshering 1771977
339 Begana dairy group Thimphu Kawang null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy farming Livestock Karma Gyeltshen 17660577
340 Dazhi dairy group Thimphu Kawang null 0 1 1 Dairy, Dairy farming Livestock Tshering Zangmo 17660577
341 Khasadrachu dairy group Thimphu Mewang null 0 1 1 Dairy, Dairy farming Livestock Dechen Om 17632970
342 Hangahog dairy group Thimphu Kawang null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy farming Livestock Tshering Dorji 17660577
343 Barshong raa sogchong detshen Tsirang Barshong null 2 0 2 Dairy, Goat farming Livestock Karna Bdr. Tamang/ 17989952
344 Kikhorthang dairy group Tsirang Kikhorthang null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Rinchen 17897363
345 Yusipang Dairy Group Thimphu Chang null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Home Raj Gurung 17488304
346 Lamtang Norbu Samphel Om Detshen Zhemgang Goshing null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Wangda 17665521
347 Drachukha Flower Group Punakha Goenshari null 0 1 1 Floriculture, Organic Floriculture Agriculture Choki 0
348 Mewang Sibjam Sogchong Detshen Thimphu Mewang null 1 0 1 Apiculture, Honey Livestock Leki Wangmo Dorji 0
349 Gulibi Nazhoen Sonam Tshongdrel Detshen Lhuentse Menji null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Gayduen Jamtsho/ 17659085
350 Paytshong Tshoeshey Tshondrel Detshen Mongar Tshakaling null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Dorji Dema 0
351 Khemdro Kuephen Milk Group Wangdue Phodrang Phobji null 0 1 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Pema Lham 17693228
352 Sunkosh Sipjam Detshen Tsirang Rangthangling null 1 0 1 Apiculture, Honey Livestock Krishna Badur Pradhan 0
353 Logchina Sipjam Sogchong Detshen Chukha null null 1 0 1 Apiculture, Honey Livestock Amber Singh Ghalley 0
354 Khamzangling Dairy Group Samtse Dumtoe null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock karma 77309254
355 Depheling Dairy Group Samtse Dumtoe null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Masori Rai 77301959
356 Gakey Gonor Gongphel Detshen Samtse Dumtoe null 1 0 1 Poultry, Poultry Livestock Padam Lal. Rai 0
357 Khebishing Gonor Tshongdrel Desthen Mongar Balam null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Product Livestock Ugyen 0
358 Bakaphai Gonor Tshongdrel Detshen Mongar Balam null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Product Livestock Sangay Tenzin 0
359 Bhutan Dragon Farmers Group Sarpang Shompangkha null 1 0 1 Cereals, Rice Agriculture T.P Homagai 17920974
360 Sonam Ngyemrub Gongphel Detshen Mongar Mongar null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Tshering Wangmo 0
361 Lichen Sonam Detshen Trashiyangtse Yangtse null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Karma Dechen 0
362 Samzhub Tshoesay Tshongdrel Detshen Mongar Mongar null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Thinley Wangmo 0
363 Tshergom Aumtshu Sonam Detshen Trashiyangtse Yangtse null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Kinzang Lhamo 0
364 Sherchok Womens Group Sarpang Gelephu null 0 1 1 Spices, Ginger,Pickles,Turmeric Agriculture Chimi Dema 17843220
365 Pelshub Tshoesay Tshongdrel Detshen Mongar Ngatshang null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Sonam Tshering 0
366 Yekhar Tshoesay Tshongdrel Detshen Mongar Ngatshang null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Dechen Zangmo 0
367 Langchenphu Om Tshongdrel Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Langchenphu null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Gana Shyam Kharka 0
368 Morong Om Tshongdrel Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Orong null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Naku 0
369 Menjigang Om Tshongdrel Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Phuntshothang/Bakuli null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Bim Bdr Rai 0
370 Pemathang OmTshongdrel Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Pemathang/Dalim null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Sonam Tenzin 0
371 Batsuwong Nangzor Om Tshongdrel Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Orong null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Dorji Gyeltshen 0
372 Chuthen Phuensum Detshen Samtse Tendu null 0 0 0 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture null
373 Gabji Commercial Vegetable Group Samtse Denchukha null 0 0 0 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture null
374 Lunana Porter Services Detshen Gasa Lunana null 1 0 1 Dairy, Porter Serivce Livestock Ugyen Penjor 0
375 Lhamo Zhingkha Om Detshen Dagana Lhamoyzingkhag/Kalikhola null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Mingma Wangdi 0
376 Tashiding Gonor Gonphen Detshel Dagana Trashiding null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Tila Chand Subedri 0
377 Rewetala Cardamom Detshen Zhemgang Trong Berti 0 1 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture Tshewang Gyelmo 0
378 Aurina Youth Group Chukha Phuntsholing null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture Suk Bdr Rai 17367208
379 Darla Sillangsa Sepjam Detshen Chukha Darla null 1 0 1 Apiculture, Honey Livestock Damber Singh Chhetri 17289988
380 Batasay Agriculture Development Group Tsirang Kikhorthang null 1 0 1 Dairy,Vegetable, Dairy Product,Vegetables Livestock Teknath Acharya 0
381 Damchena Phuensum Omgi Detshen Paro Dopshari null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Product Livestock Chenda Dorji 17623430
382 Nazhoen Gonor Gongphel Detshen Sarpang Singhi null 1 0 1 Fishery,Poultry, Fishery,Piggery Livestock Urmila Rai 0
383 Tshothang Cardamom Group Samtse Dophuchen/Dorokha null 0 0 0 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture null
384 Dunglakha Cardamom Group Samtse Dophuchen/Dorokha null 0 0 0 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture null
385 Tholunggoan Cardamom Group Samtse Dophuchen/Dorokha null 0 0 0 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture null
386 Sibichang Meto Cardamom Group Samtse Dophuchen/Dorokha null 0 0 0 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture null
387 Yargay Organic Farming Group Samtse Tendu null 0 0 0 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture null
388 Darla Sanam dang Gonor Thoenked Detshen Chukha Darla null 0 0 0 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture null
389 Tsajinsa Ka Community FG Samtse Pemaling/Biru null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture Shiva Raj Ghalley 17623381
390 Rai Farmers Group Chukha Phuntsholing null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture Kalpana Rai 77608013
391 Kungkha Cardamom Plantation Youth Group Chukha Phuntsholing null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture Jas Bdr Chhettri 0
392 Organic Commercial Cardamom Plantation Group Chukha Phuntsholing null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture Purna Bdr Chhettri 17886667
393 Sajinsa Sanam Detshen Samtse Pemaling/Biru null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture Tshering 77450873
394 Dangraybug Sanam Detshen Samtse Norgaygang/Bara null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture Santosh Gurung 0
395 Singay Meday Alanji Detshen (Singay Community Cardamom Group) Samtse Dophuchen/Dorokha null 0 1 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture igme Dorji Doya 17994132
396 Gaselo Gonor Dang Sanam Thuenked Detshen (Gaselo vegetable and dairy product Group) Wangdue Phodrang Gase Tshogom null 1 0 1 Dairy,Vegetable, Dairy product,Vegetables Agriculture Tandin Om 17327380
397 Thonglakha Sanam Detshen Samtse Dophuchen/Dorokha null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture Chali Maya Nepel 17952926
398 Mi Zomsa Alanji Sanampai Detshen Samtse Dophuchen/Dorokha null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture Tila Chan Phuyel 17684416
399 Phunsum Detshen Samtse Tendu null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture Tek Bdr. Gurung 17463153
400 Yoeseltse Gonor Chithuen Detshen Samtse Yoesheltse/Ghumauney null 1 0 1 Dairy,Fishery, Dariy,Fishery Livestock Mani Prasad Subha 0
401 Norphyel yargay Detshen Samtse Yoesheltse/Ghumauney null 0 1 1 Dairy, Dariy Livestock Tshewang Zangmo 0
402 Yoeseltse Nordup Detshen Samtse Yoesheltse/Ghumauney null 0 1 1 Dairy, Dariy Livestock Lhadonmo 0
403 Sengdhen Alanji Detshen Samtse Dophuchen/Dorokha null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture Gajuray Rai 0
404 Dramzop Sanam Detshen Samtse Dophuchen/Dorokha null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture Lobzang Drukpa 17739685
405 Ngojong Gongphel Detshen (Green Development Group) Tsirang Kikhorthang null 1 0 1 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Churamuni Koirala 0
406 Malbasey Kuba Detshen Samtse Samtse null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture Jit Bdr. Gurung 0
407 Gongsor Gonor Detshen Trashigang Yangnyer null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Farming Livestock Tshering Penjor 0
408 Kheri Tshoesey Detshen Trashigang Bidung null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Karma 0
409 Jonla Ugyen Gatshel Gonor Detshen Trashigang Radhi null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy farming Livestock wangdi 0
410 Gonsor Sanam Gongphel Detshen Trashigang Yangnyer null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Tshewang Dema 0
411 Langten Noryang Chithuen Gongphel Detshen Trashigang Radhi null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy farming Livestock Choki Wangdi 0
412 Mongseray Sanam detshen Samtse Norbugang/Chengmari null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture Khem Raj Gurung 0
413 Druk Dyalthuen Banor Sokchong Detshen (Bhutan Integrated Dairy Farming) Chukha Phuntsholing null 1 0 1 Dairy, dairy Farming Livestock Kinley Tshering 0
414 Bindup Sanam Detshen Samtse Tading null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture Phub dorji 0
415 Kap Dani Sanam Detshen Samtse Dophuchen/Dorokha null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture Gabjee 7734523
416 Umling Climate Smart Farmers Group Sarpang Umling null 1 0 1 Spices, Ginger Agriculture Amber Bdr Adhakari 17616494
417 Padam Radha Alanji Zukchong Detshen Samtse Denchukha null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture Sita Maya Sanyasi 17937683
418 Gurung Sonam Detshen Samtse Tendu null 1 0 1 Spices, cardamom Agriculture Jit Bdr. Gurung 17615431
419 Ninzergang Sanam Detshen Samtse Tendu null 1 0 1 Spices, cardamom Agriculture Nidup 17895492
420 Gyenkha Sanam Detshen Punakha Toeb null 1 0 1 Floriculture,Fruits,Vegetable, Culinary herbs,fruits,vegetables Agriculture Siok Sain Dorji 17111111
421 Ngultho Detshen Samtse Dophuchen/Dorokha null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamum Agriculture Rupal Rai 17655729
422 Drongsep Yargay Detshen (Lower) Tsirang Dunglagang null 0 1 1 Dairy,Vegetable, Dairy Product,Vegetables Agriculture Kharka Bdr. Chuwan 77111111
423 Drongsep Yargay Detshen (Upper) Tsirang Dunglagang null 0 1 1 Dairy, Dairy Product Livestock Phul Maya rai 77111111
424 Phuensum Alanji Detshen Samtse Namgyelcholing/Lahireni null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamon Agriculture Rinzin Dorji 77412789
425 Nawang Gonor Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Bjena null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Products Livestock Ugyen Tshering 77777777
426 Tamang Farmers Group Samtse Tendu null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamom Agriculture Kaly Tamang 77111111
427 Lingarnang Gongphel Detshen Samtse Norgaygang/Bara null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamom Agriculture Karchung 77111111
428 Bumthang Amtsui Thriltshem Detshen ( Tailoring Group) Bumthang Chokhor null 0 1 1 Dairy, Local Traditional clothes Livestock Pema Choki 77111111
429 Buli TsesayTshongley Detshen Zhemgang Nangkor null 1 0 1 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Pintsho Dendup 77111111
430 Pakshinag Gonor Chirub Detshen Chukha Sampheling/Bhalujora null 0 1 1 Dairy, Dairy Products Livestock Nima Sherpa 77214812
431 Chuthangna Alanji Detshen Samtse Tendu null 0 1 1 Spices, Cardamon Agriculture Sangay Wangmo 17777777
432 Tsento Nyamrub Omgi Detshen Paro Tsento null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Karma Dorji 17670234
433 Eto Meto detshen Samtse Tendu null 1 0 1 Spices, cardamom Agriculture Tshering Sonam 17917355
434 Upper Kuchin Land Lease Group Samtse Tendu null 1 0 1 Spices, cardamom Agriculture Ran Bdr Gurung 17907890
435 Kachin Zhungsa Larchae Detshen Samtse Tendu null 1 0 1 Spices, cardamom Agriculture Ganesh Bdr Gurung 17606728
436 Gumatshang Meday Gongphyel Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Athang null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Potato Agriculture Wangdi 77353835
437 Toshitokha Kewa Yargay Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Bjena null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Potato Agriculture Namgay Dorji 7767708
438 Sonam Chuyuel Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Phangyul null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Phurpa Tshering 17612252
439 Lopo Chithuen Gongphyel Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Athang null 1 0 1 Vegetable, potato Agriculture Wangchuk 77477238
440 Gasa Rangshin Sonam Detshen Gasa Khatoe null 1 0 1 Vegetable, garlic,potatoes Agriculture Tashi 17537744
441 Dogar Chithuen Omgi Detshen Paro Dogar null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Pem Tshering 17639279
442 Trashiyangtse Desho Detshen Trashiyangtse Yangtse null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Traditional paper Forestry Gempo 17777777
443 Bazor Tsesay Detshen Mongar Drametse null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Kezang Choki 17777777
444 Wengkharshing Tsesay Detshen Mongar Drametse null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Ugyen Zangmo 17777777
445 Drametse Gonor Detshen Mongar Drametse null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Dairy Livestock Tshewang 17777777
446 Tsamang Amtsui Gonor Detshen Mongar Tsamang null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Dairy Livestock Sonam Choden 17777777
447 Ngar Tsesay Detshenn Lhuentse Gangzur null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Lekshey Dorji 17777777
448 Kamdar Tsesay Detshen Lhuentse Menbi null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Tsagayla 17777777
449 Yarab Sanam Detshen Tsirang Dunglagang null 1 0 1 Spices,Vegetable, cardamom,vegetables Agriculture Sukman Rasailey 17856276
450 Jangchubling Mandar Om Thuendrel Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Orong null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Dechen Tshering 17777777
451 Majua Tshesey Thenkey Detshen Tsirang Kikhorthang null 1 0 1 Dairy,Vegetable, Milk,Vegetables Agriculture Kinley Tenzin 17777777
452 Salami Sonam Thenkey Detshen Tsirang Kikhorthang null 1 0 1 Dairy, Horse riding,milk Agriculture Rinchen Dorji 17777777
453 Rana Detshen Dagana Tsendagang (Suntalay) null 1 0 1 Spices, cardamom Agriculture Dhan Bdr Rana 17777777
454 Gaki Tsesay Detshen Tsirang Kikhorthang null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture No name 17697137
455 Nye Gaki Yueki Nazhyn Detshen (Gaki Village Youth Group) Punakha Toeb null 1 0 1 Non-wood Forest Product, Foraging,processing tea leaves Agriculture Roma Pradhan 17146016
456 Nimshong Thuenlam Gongphel Namley Detshen Trongsa Korphu null 1 0 1 Dairy, Backyard Farming Agriculture Pasang Wangchuk 17870248
457 Dragten Gonor Gongphel Detshen Trongsa Drakten null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Karma Thinley 77402145
458 Yaba Shama Metser Gongphel Detshen Haa Sangbay null 1 0 1 Spices, cardamom Agriculture Karma Wangdi sherpa 17777777
459 Nyamdrel Zeychu Natshog Detshen Thimphu Mewang null 0 1 1 Cereals,Vegetable, Local Rice,Vegetables Agriculture Dechen Wangmo. 17902417
460 Gesarling Tshesey Tshogpa Dagana Gesarling null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Kiba 77777777
461 Tseza Tshesey Gothue Detshen Dagana Tseza null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Pem Lham 77777777
462 Menchu Phendey Detshen Sarpang Dekiling null 1 0 1 Nuts,Spices, Acaranut,cardamom Agriculture Sangay Wangdi 77777777
463 Peljor Detshen Sarpang Dekiling null 1 0 1 Nuts,Spices, Acaranut,cardamom Agriculture Indra Bdr. Basnet 77777777
464 Eusukha Chortenypo Gonor Namrub Detshen Punakha Kabjisa null 1 0 1 Cereals,Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest,Vegetable, Forest Management activites,Rice,Vegetbles Agriculture Dodo 77777777
465 Sirigang Gonor phuensum Detshen Punakha Kabjisa null 0 1 1 Cereals,Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest,Vegetable, Forest Management activites,Rice,Vegetables Agriculture Sangay Dorji 77777777
466 Woku Damchi Gonor Deket Detshen Punakha Kabjisa null 0 1 1 Cereals,Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest,Vegetable, Forest Management,Rice,Vegetables Forestry Dechen Wangmo 77777777
467 langdra Phuensum Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Kazhi null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture kinley dorji 77325309
468 Baytsheling Shingmen Yargay Gongphel Detahen Samdrupjongkhar Lauri null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Chirata,Rubia Forestry Cheten Dorji 17778057
469 Dungmanma Shigmen Gaki Pelzom Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Lauri null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Chirata,star anise Forestry Dorji Thinley 17778057
470 Zangthi Shingmen Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Lauri null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Chirata,Paris,star anise Forestry Sonam Dorji 17778057
471 Lauri Gaki Shingmen Thuenkey Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Lauri null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Chirata,star anise,xyanthoxylum Forestry Nima Dorji 17778057
472 Woongthi Shingmen Thuendrel Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Lauri null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Chirata,Rubia cordifolia,star anise Forestry Sangay Drakpa 17778057
473 Thekchog Choling Shingmen Thuenkey Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Lauri null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Chirata Forestry Thinley Wangdi 17778057
474 Relang Shingmen Thuenkey Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Lauri null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, NWFP,Rubia cordifolia,Star anise Forestry Tashi Wangdi 17778057
475 Momring Shingmen Thuenkey Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Lauri null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, NWFP Forestry Sherab 17778057
476 Rubji Bumilo Gonor Nymdel Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Sephu null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Thinley 17778057
477 Bajo Om Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Thedtsho null 3 0 3 Dairy, Butter,Cheese,Milk Livestock Pema Khandu 17778057
478 Rong Sonam Detshen Samtse Phuntshopelri/Pugli null 1 0 1 Cereals,Vegetable, Cereals,Vegetables Agriculture Sonam Lepcha 17778057
479 Ratey Gongphel Detshen Samtse Phuntshopelri/Pugli null 1 0 1 Spices, cardamom Agriculture Lila Prasad Chhetri 77388629
480 Gayshing Sonam detshen Samtse Phuntshopelri/Pugli null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Pem Tshering Lepcha 77650839
481 Nyam Tse Brother Dairy detshen Thimphu Chang null 1 0 1 Dairy, milk Livestock Namgay 17660577
482 Shaba Phunsum Omgi Detshen Paro Shaba null 1 0 1 Dairy, milk Livestock Sonam Tshering/ 17604436
483 Kuenphen Poina Detshen Trashigang Merak null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Incense Forestry Tenzin Norbu 77333581
484 Shingkhar Ngomen Detshen Trashigang Merak null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, NWFP Forestry Tenzin Gombo 77333581
485 Charpaling Tagang Deyak Detshen Trashigang Merak null 1 0 1 Dairy, Butter,Cheese,Gauda Cheese Livestock Tshering Wangdi 77333581
486 Jomo Lanor Detshen Trashigang Merak null 1 0 1 Dairy, Butter,Gauda Cheese,Milk Livestock Lobzang Tashi 77333581
487 Sakten tshesey Detshen Trashigang Sakteng null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Sangay Dorji 77333581
488 Yumzang Semthuen Community Forest Group Trashigang Sakteng null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, NWFP Forestry Tashi Tshering 77333581
489 Pangzhing Gonor Detshen Samtse Tading null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Yamu Ghalley 77333581
490 Sherabling Gonor Detshen Samtse Tading null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Chandra Shamshar Ghalley 77333581
491 Dangreyboog Ngagang Tsesey Detshen Samtse Dophuchen/Dorokha null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Pushpa Lal 17717923
492 Phuntsho Kuenphen Tshesey Detshen Lhuentse Khoma null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Guru Tshering 17717923
493 Sisingnesa Yargey Dengdel Naktshel detshen Lhuentse Tshenkhar null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Forest and Plantation Forestry Choning Dorji 77777777
494 Chalibadeb Community Forest Group Lhuentse null null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Forest and Plantation Forestry Nakulu 77777777
495 Ngar Pangkarpzur Dengdel Naktshel Detshen Lhuentse null null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Forest and Plantation Forestry Leki Dorji 77777777
496 Jalang Community Forest Group Lhuentse null null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Forest and Plantation Forestry Phuntsho 77777777
497 Morong Tsesey Thuendrel detshen Samdrupjongkhar Orong null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture MC. Gurung 77777777
498 Pemathang Yue Chum Natshog Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Pemathang/Dalim null 1 0 1 Cereals, Rice Agriculture Sangay Wangdi 77777777
499 Pemathang Tsesey Gongphel Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Pemathang/Dalim null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Kezang Norbu 77777777
500 Chorten Kora Shazo Detshen Pemagatshel Zobel null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Jigme Dorji 77777777
501 Sep Tsesey Dang Ngyul Soyok Detshen Trashiyangtse Yangtse null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Wangchuk 77777777
502 Bayling Gonor Detshen Trashiyangtse null null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy products Livestock Tshering Dorji 77777777
503 Yongla Gonor Detshen Trashiyangtse Yalang null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy products Livestock Ugyen Dorji 77777777
504 Rangjung Sonam Nyamphel Tshesey Detshen Trashigang null null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Chemi Dorji 77777777
505 Galing Tshesey Thuenkey Nyamdrel Detshen Trashigang null null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Choki 77777777
506 Changmey Thinley Samphel Detshen Trashigang null null 0 1 1 Dairy, Dairy products Livestock Chesung 77777777
507 Dangrey Tshesey Thuenkey Detshen Trashigang null null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture thinley zam 77777777
508 Shongphu Puensum Detshen Trashigang Shongphu null 1 0 1 Dairy, dairy products Livestock wangdi 77777777
509 Shongphu Tshesey Phendey Detshen Trashigang Shongphu null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture sonam 77777777
510 Khudungpang Lothuen Yulchum Detshen Trashigang null null 1 0 1 Cereals, Rice Agriculture Tobgay 77777777
511 Drung Gonpa Tsesey Detshen Trashigang null null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegeatbles Agriculture Karma 77777777
512 Jangjangma Tshesey Detshen Trashigang Phongme null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegeatbles Agriculture Tshering Penjor 77777777
513 LemphangTshesey Detshen Trashigang Chokhor null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegeatbles Agriculture Kesang Choden 77777777
514 Gaygoen Nordrup Detshen Trashigang Bidung null 1 0 1 Dairy, dairy Livestock Dema Nedup 77777777
515 Udzoromg Samphel Chirphen Jersey Detshen Trashigang Uzarung null 1 0 1 Dairy, milk Livestock Lhendrup 77777777
516 Bargonpa Tshesey Detshen Trashigang null null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Lhendrup 77777777
517 Dramang Tshesey Thuenkey Tshongdrel Detshen Trashigang null null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Sonam Tobgay 77777777
518 Pangthang Tshesey Detshen Pemagatshel Choekhorling null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Tempa Gyeltshen 77777777
519 Kehengzor Shingmen Thuenkey Detshen Pemagatshel Choekhorling null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, rubia tinctorum Forestry Sonam Gyeltshen 77777777
520 Yargaywong Shingmin Zingchong Detshen Pemagatshel Choekhorling null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, pipla Forestry Jigme Wangchuk 77777777
521 Bainangtshing Tsesey Detshen Pemagatshel Choekhorling null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Wangda 77777777
522 Bartseri Tshesey Detshen Pemagatshel Choekhorling null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Tshering Zangmo 77777777
523 Kerong Shingmin Zingchong Detshen Pemagatshel Choekhorling null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, rubia Forestry Sonam Chophel 77777777
524 Tshelinkhor Tshesey Thuendrel Detshen Pemagatshel Choekhorling null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Norbu Richen 77777777
525 Namdaling Pipla Zingchong Detshen Pemagatshel Choekhorling null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, NPWF Forestry pema wangdi 77777777
526 Redzmo Jersey Gongphel detshen Pemagatshel Choekhorling null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Nim Tshering 77777777
527 Nanglam Gonor Gongphel Detshen Pemagatshel Choekhorling null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Drukdra Dorji 77777777
528 Tshelingkhor Gonor Chuethen Detshen Pemagatshel Choekhorling null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Tempa Gyelsthen 77777777
529 Chokhorling Pipla Collection Group Pemagatshel Choekhorling null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, NWFP,pipla Forestry Kenzang Rapten 77777777
530 Himalayan Village Farmers Group Paro Wangchang null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Deki wangmo 77777777
531 Kuenphen Yargey Detshen Samtse Yoesheltse/Ghumauney null 1 0 1 Dairy, milk Livestock Jamtsho 17818775
532 Thagrig Thuendrel Detshen Bumthang Chokhor null 1 0 1 Dairy, livestock Livestock no name 77771315
533 Mandrini Fishery Group Samtse Samtse null 1 0 1 Non-wood Forest Product, Fish Livestock Durga Sing Gurung 77771315
534 Yakgang Tsoesey Chethuen Nyamrub Detshen Mongar Mongar null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Jigme Choden 17111111
535 Langpa Nobgang Sanam Detshen Haa Samar null 1 0 1 Cereals, buckwheat Agriculture Phurba 17111111
536 Zhuri Hazey Detshen Bumthang Chumey null 1 0 1 Nuts, hazelnuts Agriculture Choni Dorji 17111111
537 Chenrezee Hazey Detshen Bumthang Chumey null 1 0 1 Nuts, hazelnuts Agriculture Kuenley Tashi 17111111
538 Mangling Hazey Detshen Mongar Saling null 1 0 1 Nuts, hazelnuts Agriculture Sigay 17558762
539 Dangling Hazey Detshen Lhuentse Menbi null 1 0 1 Nuts, hazelnuts Agriculture Tashi Gyeltshen 17524280
540 Zham Norbuling Hazey Detshen Lhuentse Menji null 1 0 1 Nuts, hazelnuts Agriculture Tshering Wangdi 17628732
541 Sangsho Sizako Hazey Detshen Mongar Balam null 1 0 1 Nuts, hazelnuts Agriculture null
542 Yangbari Wornangmo Hazey Detshen Mongar Balam null 1 0 1 Nuts, hazelnuts Agriculture Sangay Tshewang. 17755173
543 Zangkitsawa Hazey Detshen Mongar Saling null 1 0 1 Nuts, hazelnuts Agriculture Dorji 77454911
544 Khalong Phendeyling Hazey Detshen Mongar Narang null 1 0 1 Nuts, hazelnuts Agriculture Ugyen Dorji 77307571
545 Dragoen Hazay Phuensum Detshen Trashigang Khaling null 1 0 1 Nuts, hazelnuts Agriculture Lhatu 17485862
546 Gangtong Community Hazelnut Groupp Trashigang Lumang null 1 0 1 Nuts, hazelnuts Agriculture Dungtru 17717832
547 Nangladang Farmers Group Samtse Norgaygang/Bara null 1 0 1 Spices, Cardamom Agriculture No name 17777777
548 Keepai Tshey sonam Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Gase Tshoom null 1 0 1 Fruits,Murshrooms,Vegetable, Fruits,Mushroom,Vegetables Agriculture Sangay Dorji 17712724
549 Dungna Tsetsey Detshen Chukha Dungna null 1 0 1 Dairy,Vegetable, Vegetables,livestok Products Livestock Penjor 17111111
550 Phuntsholing Gonor Chuthen Detshen Chukha Phuntsholing null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Padam B Ghalley A 17111111
551 Phurpaling Bja Tshochung Detshen Chukha Sampheling/Bhalujora null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Poultry product Livestock Ran Sing Rai 17111111
552 Sephu Pensum Tshetshey Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Sephu null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture norbu 17111111
553 Gogona Gonor Yargay Chithuen Detshen (Gorgoen Yargay Chethuen Detshen) Wangdue Phodrang Gangtey null 0 1 1 Dairy, dairy products Livestock no name 17111111
554 Tsamang Gathuen Detshen Mongar Tsamang null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Yangkamp 17111111
555 Sampheling Meday Bja Nyamrub Detshen Chukha Sampheling/Bhalujora null 1 0 1 Poultry, Poultry Product Livestock Budi Man Rai 17111111
556 Ngawang Sonam Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Bjena null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Lhatu 17111111
557 Namgay Norzang Detshen Samtse Samtse null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Ram Kumar Sharma 17605800
558 Eusa Tsheytshey Detshen Haa Eusu null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Tshering 17111111
559 Tangsibji Milk Production Group Trongsa Tangsibjee null 0 1 1 Dairy, dairy product Livestock Tshering Pelden 17685064
560 Nubi Om Phendhen Detshen Trongsa Nubee null 0 1 1 Dairy, dairy product Livestock Dechen Zangmo 77733034
561 Sonam Yargay Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Phangyul null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Kinley Dhendup 17111111
562 Gomdar Om Mar-Datse Thuendrel Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Gomdar null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy product Livestock Kelzang Penjor 17111111
563 Sengor Norlha Chethuen Detshen Mongar Saling null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy product Livestock Kelzang Penjor 17111111
564 Morong Gaden Phuensum Community Forest Management Group Samdrupjongkhar Orong null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Timber Forestry Phuntsho gyeltshen 17111111
565 Mayphu Shekpashing Community Forest Management Group Samdrupjongkhar Orong null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Timber Forestry Tenzin 17111111
566 Jersey Tshochung Thuendrel Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Martshala null 1 0 1 Dairy, Butter,Cheese,Milk Livestock Dorji 17111111
567 Chimung Medey Detshen Pemagatshel Chimung null 1 0 1 Cereals,Vegetable, Kharang,Vegetables Agriculture Jigme Tenzin 17111111
568 Tokari Shingmen Detshen Pemagatshel Nanong null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, NWFP species Forestry Sonam Jamtsho 17111111
569 Tshebar Gonor Gongphel Detshen Pemagatshel Khar null 1 0 1 Dairy, Butter,Cheese,Milk Livestock Jangkar 17111111
570 Nankor Silo Detshen Pemagatshel Shumar null 1 0 1 Cereals, Maize Agriculture Tshering Chophel 17111111
571 Woongchiloo Chigthuen Detshen Pemagatshel Nanong null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, NWFP species Forestry Thinley Wangdi 17111111
572 Sonam Yarphel Detshen Pemagatshel Chimung null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Mangmi 17111111
573 Dungsum Gongphel Sonam Detshen Pemagatshel Shumar null 3 0 3 Fruits, friuts Agriculture Tashi Jamtsho 17709190
574 Dungmin Zache Tramphel Detshen Pemagatshel Dungmin null 1 0 1 Cereals,Vegetable, Kharang,Vegetable Agriculture Guna Tshering, 17111111
575 Dungmin Tshelu Tshongdrel Detshen Pemagatshel Dungmin null 1 0 1 Fruits, Oranges Agriculture Dorji Tshewang 17111111
576 Chimung Gongphel Shingmen Thoenkey Detshen Pemagatshel Chimung null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, NWFP species Forestry Norbu Chogyel 17111111
577 Gonohung Nakshel Nyamdrup Detshen Pemagatshel Shumar null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, NWFP species Forestry Norbu Chogyel 17111111
578 Yalang Tsoesay Detshen Pemagatshel Shumar null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Chogyel Norbu 17111111
579 Dagor Shingmeng Gongphel Nagtshel Detshen Pemagatshel Shumar null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, NWFP species Forestry Tshewang Tobgay 17111111
580 Gamung Phuensum Gongphel Detshen Pemagatshel Shumar null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, NWFP species Forestry Bajay 17111111
581 Yurung Sonam Dang Gonor Gongphel Detshen Pemagatshel Yurung null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Sangay Dhendup 17111111
582 Phobji Phuentsum Tsheytshey Tshongdel Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Phobji null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Wangchuk 17870515
583 Chhumey Gonor Lothuen Detshen Bumthang Chumey null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Ap Dorji 17111111
584 Thinangbee Gonor Khenphen Detshen Mongar Saling null 0 1 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Tashi Wangmo, 17111111
585 Tongseng Sonam Gongphel Detshen Mongar Mongar null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Tshewang zangmo, 17111111
586 Thinangbee Sonam Thuenrig Peldrup Detshen Mongar Saling null 1 0 1 Dairy,Vegetable, Dairy,Vegetables Livestock null
587 Tshenzibee Gonor Sonam Cherub Detshen Mongar Saling null 1 0 1 Dairy,Vegetable, Dairy,Vegetables Livestock null
588 Domlung Tsoesay Nasho Detshen Mongar Ngatshang null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Penjor 17777777
589 Takchu Sanam Gonor Nyamrub Detshen Mongar Mongar null 0 1 1 Dairy,Vegetable, Dairy,Vegetables Agriculture Nima Dema 17777777
590 Kedhikar Gonor Sanam Nyamdrup Detshen Mongar Mongar null 0 1 1 Dairy,Vegetable, Dairy,Vegetables Livestock Pema Yangzom 17777777
591 Jaibab Zambalha Detshen Mongar Mongar null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Rinzin Wangchu 17777777
592 Sonam Chirthuen Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Rubesa null 1 0 1 Cereals, Rice Agriculture Lham Tenzin 17777777
593 Sonam Yargay Kuenphen Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Rubesa null 1 0 1 Cereals, Rice Agriculture Lham Tenzin 17777777
594 Rangjung Gongphel Sanam Tshongdrel Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Thedtsho null 1 0 1 Cereals, Rice Agriculture Dorji 17777777
595 Wangthang Sonam Yargay Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Thedtsho null 0 1 1 Cereals, Rice Agriculture Shacha wangmo 17777777
596 Thanglung Sanam Tsetse Tshongdrel Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Thedtsho null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Kinley wangmo 17777777
597 Hungrel Drung Drung Sonam Detshen Paro Lungnyi null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Kinley Yangdon 17777777
598 Tongla Gongdo Detshen Trashiyangtse Jamkhar null 0 1 1 Poultry, Egg Livestock Pema Tshomo 17777777
599 Jamkhar Se Chur Tshongdrel Detshen Trashiyangtse Jamkhar null 1 0 1 Dairy, Butter,Cheese Livestock no name 17777777
600 Cherphen Tshongdrel Detshen Trashiyangtse Tongzhang null 1 0 1 Dairy, Butter,Cheese Livestock Neten Dorji 17777777
601 Mangzhingang Dondey Naktshel Detshen Trashiyangtse Tongzhang null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Timber Forestry Samten 17777777
602 Chen Thrung Thrung Naktshel Detshen Trashiyangtse Bumdeyling null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Bamboo Forestry Tashi Tshering 17777777
603 Lentshongree Medhey Naktshel Detshen Trashiyangtse Tongzhang null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, timber Forestry Tashi Tshering 17777777
604 Longkhar Galyoung Chimla Detshen Trashiyangtse Bumdeyling null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Bamboo Forestry Ugyen Tenzin 17777777
605 Yarphel Gongdo Detshen Trashiyangtse Khamdang null 1 0 1 Poultry, Egg Livestock Tshering Dorji 17777777
606 Khamdang Gongdo Detshen Trashiyangtse Khamdang null 1 0 1 Poultry, Egg Livestock Sangay Tempa 17777777
607 Thrung Thrung Gongdo Detshen Trashiyangtse Bumdeyling null 1 0 1 Poultry, Egg Livestock Chengala 17777777
608 Wamanang Bha Gi Detshen Trashiyangtse Yangtse null 2 0 2 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Bamboo Forestry Gonpo 17777777
609 Ranja Meday Gongdo Detshen Trashiyangtse Yangtse null 2 0 2 Poultry, Egg Livestock Karsang 77777777
610 Rabtey Aumtsu Chithuen Gongphel Detshen Trashiyangtse Yangtse null 0 0 0 Poultry, Egg Livestock null
611 Sonam Gonor Detshen Trashiyangtse Yangtse null 2 0 2 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Richen Duba 77777777
612 Shingdre Detshen Samtse Samtse null 1 0 1 Fruits, Organic Fruits Agriculture Sangay Dorji 77293468
613 Tseluna Sonam Yargey Tshongley Detshen Thimphu Mewang null 1 0 1 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Nidup Dorji 17625612
614 Ritshangdung Sonam Gongphel Detshen Trashigang Kanglung null 1 0 1 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Tobgay 17777777
615 Ashamdello Tsheoesay Gongphel Detshen Trashigang Kanglung null 1 0 1 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Sonam Tshering 17777777
616 Mertsham Sonam Natsho Gongphel Detshen Trashigang Kanglung null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Potato Agriculture Tshewang Dorji 17777777
617 Thargom Tshoesey Detshen Trashigang Kanglung null 1 0 1 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Samdrup 17777777
618 Domkhar Gonor Gongphel Detshen Trashigang Kanglung null 1 0 1 Dairy, dairy Livestock Langnga Dorji 17777777
619 Dangling Dungkar Choeling Gonor Detshen Trashigang Kanglung null 1 0 1 Dairy, dairy Livestock Sangtu 17777777
620 Jeri Lemi Gonor Gongphel Detshen Trashigang Khaling null 1 0 1 Dairy, dairy Livestock Kinzang Dorji 17777777
621 Dawzor Tsesay Tshongdrel Detshen Trashigang Khaling null 0 1 1 Cereals,Vegetable, Potato,Tengma Agriculture Sonam Choden 17777777
622 Sonam Zhenphen Detshen Trashigang Khaling null 0 1 1 Cereals,Vegetable, Potato Chips,Tengma Agriculture Pema wangmo 17777777
623 Yul Sum Gongphel Chethuen Detshen Trashigang Samkhar null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Tashi wangdi 17777777
624 Tashi Tsheringma Medey Gonor Detshen Trashigang Samkhar null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Tshering Samdrup 17777777
625 Khapti-Bikhar Gonor Gongphel Detshen Trashigang Samkhar null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Kencho Gyeltshen 17777777
626 Bikher Domkhar Gonor Yargay Meser Thuendrel Detshen Trashigang Samkhar null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Pema Wangda 17777777
627 Jangcholing Tshoesey Gathen Namrub Detshen Mongar Mongar null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetable Agriculture Kinley Tenzin 17777777
628 Phangtoe Gonor Nyamrub Tshongdrel Detshen Mongar Mongar null 1 0 1 Dairy, Butter,Cheese Agriculture Yongten Jamtsho 17777777
629 Sershong Amsu Gonor Gongphel Chethuen Detshen Mongar Sherimung null 0 1 1 Dairy, Butter,Chese Livestock Karma Choing Dema 17777777
630 Zalaphangma Sonam Gongphel Detshen Mongar Chaskhar null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Chips,Cornflakes Agriculture Sonam Dema 17777777
631 Zhiten Sonam Nyamdrup Detshen Mongar Ngatshang null 1 0 1 Dairy,Vegetable, dairy,vegetable Agriculture Norbu 17777777
632 Ngatshang Phuensum Ja Sochong Detshen Mongar Mongar null 1 0 1 Poultry, Poultry Agriculture Sherub Dorji 17777777
633 Ngatshang Gonor Phuensum Chethuen Detshen Mongar Ngatshang null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Ganden Jamtsho 17777777
634 Pelzhup Thuenpa Phuenzhi Detshen Mongar Ngatshang null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Sangay Dorji 17777777
635 Jangcholing Tshoesey Dumra Detshen Samtse Phuntshopelri/Pugli null 2 0 2 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Bhim Bdr. Chhetri 17650839
636 Sarphu Broom Grass Management and Marketing Group Chukha Darla null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Brooms Forestry Phub Tshering 17995651
637 Guma Sonam Tshongdrel Detshen Punakha Guma null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetabkes Agriculture Tshering Wangmo 17686648
638 Mangkong Community Forest Group Lhuentse Kurtoe null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Timber Forestry Sonam Penjor 77111111
639 Tangrung Om Gee Detshen Lhuentse Kurtoe null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Sonam Chophel 77111111
640 Dungkhar Norlha Detshen Lhuentse Kurtoe null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Sonam Phuntsho 77111111
641 Thuenpay Kuenphen Markhu Detshen Lhuentse Kurtoe null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Ugyen Rinzin 77111111
642 Lhakhang Tshesey Namrub Detshen Mongar Chali null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Sither Lhendup 77111111
643 Redaza Gonor Chethuen Detshen Mongar Mongar null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Sonam Jamtsho 77111111
644 Karma Tsholing Tshesey Tshongdrel Detshen Mongar Chali null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Kharpo 77111111
645 Dongtoe Sonam Chethuen Detshen Mongar Chali null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Sither Tshewang 77111111
646 Chali Jue Tshesey Thenkey Detshen Mongar Chali null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Sonam Lhamo 77111111
647 Jambay Amtshu Tshesey Detshen Mongar Chali null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Karma Tshomo 77111111
648 Limbukha Amsue Phenden Detshen Punakha Lingmukha null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture DorjiWangmo 77292528
649 Nabchey Phunsum Gongphel Detshen Punakha Lingmukha null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Kuenga Zangmo 17787383
650 Gyemkha Sonam Tshongdrel Detshen Punakha Toeb null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Ugyen Samdrup 17111111
651 Sampheling Meday Gonor Gongphel Detshen Chukha Sampheling/Bhalujora null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Birkha Bdr. Rai 17866347
652 Phuntsho Rabten Kewa Detshen Bumthang Chokhor null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Potato Agriculture Gup Doley 17612904
653 Haa Kila Farmers Group Haa Katsho null 1 0 1 Fruits, Apple Agriculture Tshewang Pemba 17604088
654 Eusu Meri Phuensum Tshongdrel Detshen Haa Eusu null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Kelzang Namgay 17111111
655 Ugyentse Rice Production Group Samtse Ugyentse/Nainital null 1 0 1 Cereals, Rice Agriculture Dilli Ram Chhetri 17111111
656 Shari Lhothuen Omgi Detshen Paro Dopshari null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Ugyen Tshering 17664193
657 Dori-Noryang Layjay Detshen Haa Samar null 3 0 3 Dairy, Livestock Livestock Tsencho 17111111
658 Namchung Gongphel Detshen Trongsa Drakten null 1 0 1 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Galey Chophel 17715075
659 Tsesey Chethuen Detshen Trongsa Drakten null 0 1 1 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture No name 17842687
660 Taktse Tesay Tshongley Detshen Trongsa Drakten null 0 1 1 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Thinley Dolma 17633199
661 Balamna Gonor Tshongdrel Detshen Haa Samar null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Gyeltshen 77272607
662 Raling Yuechum Gongphel Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Pemathang/Dalim null 1 0 1 Cereals, Rice Agriculture Kinzang Wangdi 17111111
663 Phuntshothnag Druna Gongphel Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Phuntshothang/Bakuli null 1 0 1 Cereals, Rice Agriculture Rinchen Wangdi 17111111
664 Semthun Rangzhin Tsesey Detshen Bumthang Chokhor null 1 0 1 Vegetable, vegetables Agriculture Sonam Rinchen 77357699
665 Sonam Chithuen Rangzhin Detshen Bumthang Chokhor null 1 0 1 Cereals, Organic buckwheat Agriculture Sonam Tobjai 17428664
666 Druk Orchid Growers Detshen Thimphu Mewang null 0 1 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Orchid,ornamental nursery Forestry Khashap 17111111
667 Peteri Soenam Phuensum Detshen Punakha Kabjisa null 0 2 3 Vegetable, Vegetables Agriculture Pem Dorji 17255767
668 Beytekha Tshesay Detshen Punakha Kabjisa null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Agricuture Agriculture Pelmo, 17518411
669 Trong-Dangkhar Gonor Detshen Zhemgang Trong null 1 0 1 Dairy, Dairy Livestock Tshewang Rinzin 17777777
670 Dhur Kewa Gongphel Detshen Bumthang Chokhor null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Potato Agriculture Tshewang Pelden 17689600
671 Chapcha Amtsho Detshen Chukha Chapcha null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Potato Chips Agriculture Gem Lham 17756696
672 Samdrupcholing Zang ja Tshongley Detshen Trongsa Drakten null 0 1 1 Vegetable, Green Tea Agriculture Yangdon 17906224
673 Sacha Kuenphen sheyul kewa Detshen Chukha Chapcha null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Potato Agriculture Rinzin Dorji 17970661
674 Phuntshog Thingee Detshen Trashiyangtse Yalang null 0 1 1 Non-wood Forest Product, zanthoxylum Forestry Sonam Zangmo 17777777
675 Nakha Samdrup Tshongley Detshen Wangdue Phodrang Sephu null 1 1 2 Vegetable, Potato Agriculture Rinchen Khandu 17855171
676 Thuenpa Puenshe Kewa Detshen Paro Naja null 0 1 1 Cereals, seed Agriculture wangmo, 17677203
677 Jangdung Gayza Doejung Detshen Mongar Saling null 1 0 1 Cereals, Maize Agriculture null
678 Drepong Phuengu Gongphel Detshen Mongar Depong null 0 3 3 Vegetable, vegetable Agriculture Tshering Tshezom 1777777
679 Phosorong Tshoesey Lothen Detshen Mongar Mongar null 0 1 1 Vegetable, vegetable Agriculture Sangay Chenzom 17721950
680 Wangling Meser Sonam Detshen Mongar Mongar null 0 3 3 Vegetable, vegetable Agriculture Yangchen 17526055
681 Namkhar Sanam Detshen Paro Wangchang null 0 1 1 Cereals, crops Agriculture Dema 17676043
682 Chholing Yargay Deteshen Samtse Tashicholing/Sipsu null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Gouri Shankar 17777777
683 Yosel Detshen Samtse Yoesheltse/Ghumauney null 1 0 1 Dairy,Non-wood Forest Product,Vegetable, agriculture,forest product,livestock Agriculture Jambay Dorji 17777777
684 Majathang Gonor Detshen Samtse Samtse null 1 0 1 Dairy, Chicken,Milk Livestock Shyam Bdr. Subba 17715972
685 Belbotey Milk Supply Detshen Samtse Tashicholing/Sipsu null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Tika Ram Darjee 17985230
686 Penjorling Milk Supply Detshen Samtse Tashicholing/Sipsu null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Dawa Zangmo 17492952
687 Singaygang Milk Supply Detshen Samtse Tashicholing/Sipsu null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Ched Ram Shoma 17653658
688 Tseza Sonam Yargay Detshen Dagana Tseza null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Potato Agriculture Kinley 17653658
689 Gonor Gongphel Detshen Samtse Ugyentse/Nainital null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Agriculture Kezang Dorji 17653658
690 Zhiten Gonor Gongphel Detshen Samtse Yoesheltse/Ghumauney null 0 1 1 Dairy, livestock Livestock null
691 Yoeseltse Jarsey Detshen Samtse Yoesheltse/Ghumauney null 0 1 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock null
692 Chilu Gonor Gongphel Detshen Samtse Samtse null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock null
693 Tenzin Nordrup Gonor Detshen Samtse Samtse null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock null
694 Chundu Detshen Samtse Yoesheltse/Ghumauney null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock null
695 Gakey Gongphel Gonor Detshen Samtse Dumtoe null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock null
696 Wooling Samtencholing Mardatse Thuendrel Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Orong null 1 0 1 Dairy, Butter,Cheese Livestock null
697 Orong Mardatse Thuendrel Detshen Samdrupjongkhar Orong null 1 0 1 Dairy, Butter,Cheese Livestock null
698 Tabjee Jashochong Thundrel Detshen Chukha Darla null 1 0 1 null, Broiler Livestock Lal Bdr 17617024
699 Darla Gonor Samphel Dhendrup Detshen Chukha Darla null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Hasta Bdr 17636518
700 Daga Shindrey Detshen Dagana Goshi null 1 0 1 Fruits,Non-wood Forest Product,Vegetable, Pickling chillies,bamboo shoot,mango,oranges Agriculture Jurmin Dorji 77705223
701 Kuenphen Rangzhin Tsesey Detshen Bumthang Chokhor null 0 1 1 Vegetable, organic vegetables Agriculture Tshering Peldon 17667485
702 Ganey Shamu Detshen Thimphu Geney null 1 0 1 Murshrooms, Mushroom Agriculture Dawa 77609896
703 Bartseri Gonor Chithuen Detshen Pemagatshel Shumar null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Pem Tshering 17679509
704 Nganglam Pipla Zinchong Detshen Pemagatshel Norbugang null 1 0 1 Poultry, null Forestry Gyeltshen 17793332
705 Pagli Community Forest management Group Samtse Phuntshopelri/Pugli null 1 0 1 Fruits,Piggery,Poultry, Bamboo Forestry Padam Bdr. Rai 77257929
706 Rechanglo Vegetable Producer and Marketing Group Samdrupjongkhar Gomdar null 1 0 1 Vegetable, null Agriculture Sangay Chophel 17684249
707 Chokhor Gonor Gongphel Chithuen Detshen Bumthang Chokhor null 1 0 1 Dairy, null Livestock Tshewang 17670475
708 Ompu-Ri Community Forestry Samdrupjongkhar Deothang null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Timber And Bamboo Forestry null
709 Tangsibji Dolkar Mushroom Marketing Group Trongsa Tangsibjee null 0 1 1 Murshrooms, Mushroom Agriculture Tsheten Dema 17843723
710 Lobneykha Chithuen Kewa Detshen Chukha Chapcha null 1 0 1 Vegetable, Potato Agriculture Gyeltshen 17632897
711 Lothuen Om Detshen Sarpang Dekiling null 1 0 1 Dairy, Butter,Cheese,Milk Livestock Devi charan 17642022
712 Gelephu Om Detshen Sarpang Gelephu null 1 0 1 Dairy, null Livestock Dechen Tshewang 17506351
713 Gonor Gongphel Detshen Tsirang Dunglagang null 1 0 1 Poultry, null Livestock Tek Bdr. Subba 17800008
714 Patshaling Tsesay Tshongdrel Detshen Tsirang Patshalling null 1 0 1 Vegetable, null Agriculture Lhakpha Sherpa 17565538
715 Zhasela Community Forest Management Group Lhuentse Menji null 1 0 1 Forest management for sustainbale timber production and harvest, Timber Forestry Pelden Dorji 17753986
716 Dampola Gongphel Detshen Punakha Lingmukha null 1 0 1 Dairy, Milk Livestock Sangay Dorji 17743821
717 Berti Community Group Zhemgang Trong null 1 0 1 Fishery,Piggery,Poultry,Vegetable, Livestock Sangay Wangdi 77329463